The word 'antisemitism' or 'anti-semitism' is attributed to Wilhelm Marr (1819 –1904), a German agitator and publicist, who coined the term in 1881.
The European Union Monitoring Centre (EUMC), which monitors antisemitism in EU Member States, has defined Antisemitism as follows:
"Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for ‘why things go wrong".
No one in the world disputes that as human beings we are all the same. No one has a right to accuse a religion or community or nation or ethnicity in the world.
But, when you look closely at the above EUMC definition of antisemitism, you will realize that it is ambiguous, not specific, broad based, loosely worded and can be interpreted in different ways. The following points can be deduced from the above definition.
(1) You cannot blame Jews; individually, or as a group, or collectively to have harmed people or responsible for any wrong doing in the world.
(2) You cannot criticize Jews individually (even if they are convicted criminals). You cannot criticize Jewish community institutions or religious facilities (even though they are openly or clandestinely involved in unlawful activities).
(3) You cannot criticize the State of Israel for its open apartheid policies.
(4) The words 'perception' and 'manifestation', used in the above definition are subjective. Like, if someone who simply looks at a Jew, can be interpreted as 'manifestation of antisemitism'. Alternatively if someone goes to local police complaining about his Jew neighbors who are harassing him, can be interpreted as 'antisemitism'.
The above 'definition' makes Jews a 'super privileged class' in human society and demonizes 7 billion people, as slaves. It is denial of fundamental rights and freedom of expression of people all over the world.
As per Jewish virtual Library, an Israeli Govt sponsored Organization, there are approximately 14 million Jews in the world, accounting for 0.002% of the world's population of 7 billion. All 14 million are good, except a few hard-core Zionists. Zionist criminals do not represent Jewish society; rather they are a scar and source of embarrassment for Jewish community in the world. Because of them, the Jewish community gets targeted in the world.
Antisemitism laws are not made for good Jews, because in our modern society good people do not need any statutory protection. They are liked by one and all. Look, US Ex-President Bill Clinton married his daughter to a Jew. During 1901-2012, a total of 171 Jewish people received Nobel Prizes in various fields. They have contributed in the development of various scientific fields in the world and we applaud them for their outstanding works. Whenever you see a good thing, you will appreciate it and whenever you see a bad thing, you will criticize it. It is natural.
Antisemitism laws are a safe statutory passage for hard core extremists in Jewish society to get away with their crimes. In effect, these are "Antizionism Laws", protecting criminals in Jewish society. Antisemitism laws provide blanket protection for hardcore Zionists who are rich and powerful in Israel, US, Europe and elsewhere. These laws protect goons; evil mongers, mafia dons and corrupt politicians who are free to do anything in the world under statutory protection and no one, including sensible members of Jewish community, have a right to criticize them.
Zionists influential lobby blackmails politicians in US, Europe and other countries and force them to pass antisemitism laws which are harmful to their own countries. Zionists are using these laws against anyone, including members of Jewish community, so that their roles in organized crime, economic offenses, repression of defenseless people, pornography industry, radical homosexual movement, radical feminist movement, etc., could be kept secret from people.
Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli Minister said in an interview that Zionists use it as a standard tactic of calling someone 'anti-semitic' whoever speaks against the US Government's policy of supporting immoral and illegal Israeli policies of destruction that violate human rights. Watch this video Clip.
US Ex-President Jimmy Carter criticized Israel as an Apartheid State. Is he a fit case to be booked under antisemitism laws of US and Europe and put behind bars?
Similarly, the 574 page UN Goldstone Report published in 2010 found that the State of Israel had deliberately targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza during 2008-2009 "Operation Cast Lead", which are premeditated war crimes.
The invasion of Gaza saw 1,400 Palestinians killed and more than 21,000 Palestinian buildings, factories and apartments destroyed. The UN Human Rights Council approved this report on October 16, 2009 and UN General Assembly approved it on November 5, 2009.
As per antisemitism laws in US and Europe, this report surely comes under antisemitism. The US Congress denounced this report. Thus all member States of UN who approved this report should be booked under antisemitism laws of US and Europe and billions of people of these countries, along with their Governments, should be imprisoned. Does it make any sense?
International War Crime Tribunal in Brussels has called upon International Criminal Court ( ICC ) to investigate Israel's crimes against humanity.
It is reported on March 18, 2013 that 'The Russell Tribunal' has called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Brussels to investigate crimes committed by the Israeli regime in the occupied Palestinian territories. It also called for a special session of the UN Special Committee against Apartheid to examine Israel's crimes.
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RTP) is part of International War Crimes Tribunal. It has gathered evidence on Israeli atrocities on Palestinians since 2009.
Speaking on February 27, 2013 before a Vienna forum of the Alliance of civilizations, a UN framework for West-Islam dialogue, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erodgan called Zionism as a "Crime against humanity", likening it with anti-semitism, fascism, and Islamophobia.
Later, on March 19, 2013, a Danish Newspaper Correspondent, asked Turkish PM about his remarks on Zionism. We are providing the correspondent's question and the PM's answer below.
Q - In some quarters, your recent remarks on Zionism have been understood to imply a questioning of the very legitimacy of the State of Israel. Is this interpretation correct?
Ans - The Turkish PM replied - "Everyone should know that my criticism on certain issues, particularly Gaza and the Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine, are directed at Israeli policies. And it is entirely natural for us to continue to criticize Israel (and Zionism) as long as they will not give up their destructive approach (in the world) and deny the right of existence to Palestinians. On the other hand we have recognized Israel within the framework of the 1967 borders and on the basis of the two state solution. My several statements openly condemning anti-semitism display my position on this issue. In this context, I stand by my remarks in Vienna."
Let us reiterate that we do not support any dictatorial regimes anywhere in the world. We also do not approve or support state-sponsored terrorist killing of people anywhere in the world. The excesses committed in Syria, by Government forces and FSA, both are condemnable. Similarly, killings of civilians by both IDF and Hamas are condemnable.
We have avoided giving any personal opinions throughout the Article. The entire Article is based on opinions of important political leaders / Human right activists / Institutions /media / Newspapers; etc., in the world who have openly spoken about Zionists' excesses and their evil effects on people, particularly the hapless Palestinians. Most of the opinions mentioned in the article belong to Jewish politicians and scholars, who have spoken against Zionism in the world.
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