Tuesday, April 30, 2013

No need to Stress Regarding World-wide Global Warming

A candidate for public office in any contemporary democracy may have to consider what, if anything, to do about "global warming." Candidates should understand that the oft-repeated claim that nearly all scientists demand that something dramatic be done to stop global warming is not true. In fact, a large and growing number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic actions on global warming are needed.
In September, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ivar Giaever, a supporter of President Obama in the last election, publicly resigned from the American Physical Society (APS) with a letter that begins: "I did not renew [my membership] because I cannot live with the [APS policy] statement: 'The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth's physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.' In the APS it is OK to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible?"
In spite of a multidecade international campaign to enforce the message that increasing amounts of the "pollutant" carbon dioxide will destroy civilization, large numbers of scientists, many very prominent, share the opinions of Dr. Giaever. And the number of scientific "heretics" is growing with each passing year. The reason is a collection of stubborn scientific facts.
Perhaps the most inconvenient fact is the lack of global warming for well over 10 years now. This is known to the warming establishment, as one can see from the 2009 "Climategate" email of climate scientist Kevin Trenberth: "The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't." But the warming is only missing if one believes computer models where so-called feedbacks involving water vapor and clouds greatly amplify the small effect of CO2.
The lack of warming for more than a decade—indeed, the smaller-than-predicted warming over the 22 years since the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) began issuing projections—suggests that computer models have greatly exaggerated how much warming additional CO2 can cause. Faced with this embarrassment, those promoting alarm have shifted their drumbeat from warming to weather extremes, to enable anything unusual that happens in our chaotic climate to be ascribed to CO2.
The fact is that CO2 is not a pollutant. CO2 is a colorless and odorless gas, exhaled at high concentrations by each of us, and a key component of the biosphere's life cycle. Plants do so much better with more CO2 that greenhouse operators often increase the CO2 concentrations by factors of three or four to get better growth. This is no surprise since plants and animals evolved when CO2 concentrations were about 10 times larger than they are today. Better plant varieties, chemical fertilizers and agricultural management contributed to the great increase in agricultural yields of the past century, but part of the increase almost certainly came from additional CO2 in the atmosphere.
Although the number of publicly dissenting scientists is growing, many young scientists furtively say that while they also have serious doubts about the global-warming message, they are afraid to speak up for fear of not being promoted—or worse. They have good reason to worry. In 2003, Dr. Chris de Freitas, the editor of the journal Climate Research, dared to publish a peer-reviewed article with the politically incorrect (but factually correct) conclusion that the recent warming is not unusual in the context of climate changes over the past thousand years. The international warming establishment quickly mounted a determined campaign to have Dr. de Freitas removed from his editorial job and fired from his university position. Fortunately, Dr. de Freitas was able to keep his university job.
This is not the way science is supposed to work, but we have seen it before—for example, in the frightening period when Trofim Lysenko hijacked biology in the Soviet Union. Soviet biologists who revealed that they believed in genes, which Lysenko maintained were a bourgeois fiction, were fired from their jobs. Many were sent to the gulag and some were condemned to death.
Why is there so much passion about global warming, and why has the issue become so vexing that the American Physical Society, from which Dr. Giaever resigned a few months ago, refused the seemingly reasonable request by many of its members to remove the word "incontrovertible" from its description of a scientific issue? There are several reasons, but a good place to start is the old question "cui bono?" Or the modern update, "Follow the money."
Alarmism over climate is of great benefit to many, providing government funding for academic research and a reason for government bureaucracies to grow. Alarmism also offers an excuse for governments to raise taxes, taxpayer-funded subsidies for businesses that understand how to work the political system, and a lure for big donations to charitable foundations promising to save the planet. Lysenko and his team lived very well, and they fiercely defended their dogma and the privileges it brought them.
Speaking for many scientists and engineers who have looked carefully and independently at the science of climate, we have a message to any candidate for public office: There is no compelling scientific argument for drastic action to "decarbonize" the world's economy. Even if one accepts the inflated climate forecasts of the IPCC, aggressive greenhouse-gas control policies are not justified economically.
A recent study of a wide variety of policy options by Yale economist William Nordhaus showed that nearly the highest benefit-to-cost ratio is achieved for a policy that allows 50 more years of economic growth unimpeded by greenhouse gas controls. This would be especially beneficial to the less-developed parts of the world that would like to share some of the same advantages of material well-being, health and life expectancy that the fully developed parts of the world enjoy now. Many other policy responses would have a negative return on investment. And it is likely that more CO2 and the modest warming that may come with it will be an overall benefit to the planet.
If elected officials feel compelled to "do something" about climate, we recommend supporting the excellent scientists who are increasing our understanding of climate with well-designed instruments on satellites, in the oceans and on land, and in the analysis of observational data. The better we understand climate, the better we can cope with its ever-changing nature, which has complicated human life throughout history. However, much of the huge private and government investment in climate is badly in need of critical review.
Every candidate should support rational measures to protect and improve our environment, but it makes no sense at all to back expensive programs that divert resources from real needs and are based on alarming but untenable claims of "incontrovertible" evidence.
Claude Allegre, former director of the Institute for the Study of the Earth, University of Paris; J. Scott Armstrong, cofounder of the Journal of Forecasting and the International Journal of Forecasting; Jan Breslow, head of the Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics and Metabolism, Rockefeller University; Roger Cohen, fellow, American Physical Society; Edward David, member, National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Sciences; William Happer, professor of physics, Princeton; Michael Kelly, professor of technology, University of Cambridge, U.K.; William Kininmonth, former head of climate research at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology; Richard Lindzen, professor of atmospheric sciences, MIT; James McGrath, professor of chemistry, Virginia Technical University; Rodney Nichols, former president and CEO of the New York Academy of Sciences; Burt Rutan, aerospace engineer, designer of Voyager and SpaceShipOne; Harrison H. Schmitt, Apollo 17 astronaut and former U.S. senator; Nir Shaviv, professor of astrophysics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem; Henk Tennekes, former director, Royal Dutch Meteorological Service; Antonio Zichichi, president of the World Federation of Scientists, Geneva.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Holy prophet (SAW) The Best of All Mankind

There are many personalities in the world, which inspires different people. The most respectful and sacred personality is Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W). He (S.A.W) was born in the valley of Makkah. He (S.A.W) was born on April26, 570 AD. According to Muslims calendar date it was 12th Rabi-ul-Awal. He (S.A.W) preaches the religion Islam. Islam is the religion of Great Allah. All the messengers came with this religion. All messengers teach the people the knowledge of Islam. Mohammed (S.A.W) teaches Islam in effective and efficient manner, and this mode of teaching cannot be adopted by other Muslims.
Mohammed (S.A.W) led a simple life, which is the best example for all the people of world. He (S.A.W) wears the clean clothes. These clothes were usually not in a good condition, which depicts the simplicity of our beloved prophet (S.A.W). He (S.A.W) was the leader of Muslims and has all the power but he (S.A.W) did not avail any benefit from these powers. Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) possesses tolerance. At the time of conquest of Makkah, he (S.A.W) forgave all his enemies. He (S.A.W) built up the Islamic Government in Madina. Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) possesses good manner and affection for all. He (S.A.W) emphasized on Independence of slaves. In his Last Hajj, he (S.A.W) addresses the Muslims that no white is superior to black, but can be, depending on deeds.
He (S.A.W) used to worship Allah in the cave of Hira. He (S.A.W) received first revelation of Holy Quran in the cave of Hira. That was about the importance of Knowledge, which is given below:
“Recite in the name of your lord who created. He created the human beings from cloth. Recite and your lord is the most honorable, who taught (to write) with the pen, taught the human being what he knew not.” (sura Alaq 1-5)
Holy Prophet (S.A.W) used to say, “He who goes forth in search of knowledge is in the way of Allah till he returns.” He (S.A.W) also said, “The seeking of knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.”
By getting education, Muslim scientists made great progress in Chemistry, Medicine, Science and philosophy. They were the pioneers of education.  In the reign of Abbasids, Muslims were recognized not by war but because of Education. This period is known as golden period of Muslims.
Before the arrival of Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W), Arabs were cruel and uncivilized people. But after his advent, they became civilized nation and role model for other Muslims. He was very Kind, humble and loving. He prayed for the people of Taif, who threw stones at HIM. He helped the old lady in her illness who threw garbage over HIM.
Islam is not a religion of war and fight rather it is a religion of love, truth, affection and all good morals of life. It abstain us from sins and bad habits and lead us to good deeds and happy life. Islam saves our life in both of the worlds. We should follow the golden principles of Islam and Hadith of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) only, then we shall succeed.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


The word 'antisemitism' or 'anti-semitism' is attributed to Wilhelm Marr (1819 –1904), a German agitator and publicist, who coined the term in 1881.
The European Union Monitoring Centre (EUMC), which monitors antisemitism in EU Member States, has defined Antisemitism as follows:
"Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for ‘why things go wrong".
No one in the world disputes that as human beings we are all the same. No one has a right to accuse a religion or community or nation or ethnicity in the world.
But, when you look closely at the above EUMC definition of antisemitism, you will realize that it is ambiguous, not specific, broad based, loosely worded and can be interpreted in different ways.  The following points can be deduced from the above definition.
(1) You cannot blame Jews; individually, or as a group, or collectively to have harmed people or  responsible for any wrong doing in the world.
(2) You cannot criticize Jews individually (even if they are convicted criminals). You cannot criticize Jewish community institutions or religious facilities (even though they are openly or clandestinely involved in unlawful activities).
(3) You cannot criticize the State of Israel for its open apartheid policies.  
(4) The words 'perception' and 'manifestation', used in the above definition are subjective. Like, if someone who simply looks at a Jew, can be interpreted as 'manifestation of antisemitism'.  Alternatively if someone goes to local police complaining about his Jew neighbors who are harassing him, can be interpreted as  'antisemitism'.
The above 'definition' makes Jews a 'super privileged class' in human society and demonizes 7 billion people, as slaves. It is denial of fundamental rights and freedom of expression of people all over the world.
As per Jewish virtual Library, an Israeli Govt sponsored Organization, there are approximately 14 million Jews in the world, accounting for 0.002% of the world's population of 7 billion. All 14 million are good, except a few hard-core Zionists.  Zionist criminals do not represent Jewish society; rather they are a scar and source of embarrassment for Jewish community in the world. Because of them, the Jewish community gets targeted in the world.
Antisemitism laws are not made for good Jews, because in our modern society good people do not need any statutory protection. They are liked by one and all. Look, US Ex-President Bill Clinton married his daughter to a Jew.  During 1901-2012, a total of 171 Jewish people received Nobel Prizes in various fields. They have contributed in the development of various scientific fields in the world and we applaud them for their outstanding works.  Whenever you see a good thing, you will appreciate it and whenever you see a bad thing, you will criticize it.  It is natural.
Antisemitism laws are a safe statutory passage for hard core extremists in Jewish society to get away with their crimes. In effect, these are "Antizionism Laws", protecting criminals in Jewish society. Antisemitism laws provide blanket protection for  hardcore Zionists who are rich and powerful in Israel, US, Europe and elsewhere. These laws protect goons; evil mongers, mafia dons and corrupt politicians who are free to do anything in the world under statutory protection and no one, including sensible members of Jewish community, have a right to criticize them.
Zionists influential lobby blackmails politicians in US, Europe and other countries and force them to pass antisemitism laws which are harmful to their own countries.  Zionists are using these laws against anyone, including members of Jewish community, so that their roles in organized crime, economic offenses, repression of defenseless people, pornography industry, radical homosexual movement, radical feminist movement, etc., could be kept secret from people.
Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli Minister said in an interview that Zionists use it as a standard tactic of calling someone 'anti-semitic' whoever speaks against the US Government's policy of supporting immoral and illegal Israeli policies of destruction that violate human rights. Watch this video Clip.    
US Ex-President Jimmy Carter criticized Israel as an Apartheid State. Is he a fit case to be booked under antisemitism laws of US and Europe and put behind bars?
Similarly, the 574 page UN Goldstone Report published in 2010 found that the State of Israel had deliberately targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza during 2008-2009 "Operation Cast Lead", which are premeditated war crimes.
The invasion of Gaza saw 1,400 Palestinians killed and more than 21,000 Palestinian buildings, factories and apartments destroyed. The UN Human Rights Council approved this report on October 16, 2009 and UN General Assembly approved it on November 5, 2009.
As per antisemitism laws in US and Europe, this report surely comes under antisemitism.  The US Congress denounced this report. Thus all member States of UN who approved this report should be booked under antisemitism  laws of US and Europe and billions of people of these countries, along with their Governments, should be imprisoned.  Does it make any sense?
International War Crime Tribunal in Brussels has called upon International Criminal Court ( ICC ) to investigate Israel's crimes against humanity.
It is reported on March 18, 2013 that 'The Russell Tribunal' has called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Brussels to investigate crimes committed by the Israeli regime in the occupied Palestinian territories. It also called for a special session of the UN Special Committee against Apartheid to examine Israel's crimes.
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RTP) is part of  International War Crimes Tribunal. It has gathered evidence on Israeli atrocities on Palestinians since 2009.
Speaking on February 27, 2013 before a Vienna forum of the Alliance of civilizations, a UN framework for West-Islam dialogue, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erodgan called Zionism as a "Crime against humanity", likening it with anti-semitism, fascism, and Islamophobia.
Later, on March 19, 2013, a Danish Newspaper Correspondent, asked Turkish PM about his remarks on Zionism.  We are providing the correspondent's question and the PM's answer below.
Q - In some quarters, your recent remarks on Zionism have been understood to imply a questioning of the very legitimacy of the State of Israel.  Is this interpretation correct?
Ans - The Turkish PM replied - "Everyone should know that my criticism on certain issues, particularly Gaza and the Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine, are directed at Israeli policies.  And it is entirely natural for us to continue to criticize Israel (and Zionism) as long as they will not give up their destructive approach (in the world) and deny the right of existence to Palestinians.  On the other hand we have recognized Israel within the framework of the 1967 borders and on the basis of the two state solution.  My several statements openly condemning anti-semitism display my position on this issue.  In this context, I stand by my remarks in Vienna."
Let  us reiterate that we do not support any dictatorial regimes anywhere in the world.  We also do not approve or support state-sponsored terrorist killing of people anywhere in the world.  The excesses committed in Syria, by Government forces and FSA, both are condemnable.  Similarly, killings of civilians by both IDF and Hamas are condemnable.
We have avoided giving any personal opinions throughout the Article. The entire Article is based on opinions of important political leaders / Human right activists / Institutions /media / Newspapers; etc., in the world who have openly spoken about Zionists' excesses and their evil effects on people, particularly the hapless Palestinians.  Most of the opinions mentioned in the article belong to Jewish politicians and scholars, who have spoken against Zionism in the world.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Read as much as you can

our hand-chosen guideline towards very best end-of-the-year reading through listings.

The item wouldn’t are the conclude on the yr devoid of end-of-year provides. So most of us idea we’d have a very little meta as well as pick the finest on the best-of-the-year provides of research as well as technologies reports through round the web. Much like the normal every week explanation, this particular number can be much less in what has been most popular, plus more concerning the articles or blog posts that individuals found the most unforgettable, rousing as well as thought-provoking over the past 12 many weeks.

So, throughout zero particular buy, here’s the pick on the web owners, mags as well as web-sites which chosen the favourite articles or blog posts throughout research as well as technological. We’ll create a lot more inbound links to the number as we notice all of them. For those who have any kind of suggestions that you think we’ve missed, inform us in the normal way in Tweets as well as Zynga, if most of us consent we’ll create the crooks to your number.

Top 10 research longreads of 2012
Impotence Yong | Phenomena
Organic beef become biased due to the fact he’s a new columnist on Potential, although Impotence Yong’s directory his favourite long research articles or blog posts on the web is often a must-read compilation. Through the history of an girl which moved a new robot arm or leg using the woman jailed mind with an seek of what makes human beings investigate, just about every write-up actually leaves a new long lasting image in the mind. And also don’t miss his directory disguised . jewels throughout 2012 as well.

Greatest of 2012: Research
Greatest of 2012: Technology
Editors | Longform
Your publishers on Longform are usually heavyweight curators of completely new as well as vintage producing on the web, and thus the best-of provides can be one to pick. That year’s choice of research articles or blog posts range from how we label colors (and precisely why this doggy messes with his brains), for you to the person who are not able to sense soreness, to the scholar which accomplished nuclear combination on age 14. They are also among the a small number of retailers most of us discovered in which got a listing of favourite technological articles or blog posts, spanning internet smears, ripoffs along with the 21st Century version of Hitchcock’s Backed Windowpane.

Your twenty five finest flows on the net this season
Jones Houston | Your Edge
Extraordinary will be the moment that people don’t read the Verge’s every week must-read number, as well as in this article they’ve accomplished your unenviable activity of narrowing straight down the provides to the year's twenty five finest non-fiction producing in technologies, art, research as well as way of life. You could find out many methods from unmasking the biggest internet troll, your huge troubles throughout making the unnatural coronary heart, as well as just what The search engines Routes means money for hard times of everything.

Must-reads of 2012: Research
Curtis Brainard | Your Observatory | Columbia Journalism Evaluate
“Let ones dork the flag fly”, claims the article, launching a new lightly created although beneficial number through Brainard. Subject matter coated incorporate nuclear vegetation, dinosaur farts, your bed insect hysteria, along with the biggest fat pour you’ve certainly not discovered.

The best animal reports of 2012
Jason G Goldman as well as He Soniak | Polite Animal | Methodical National
Testimonies with regards to dogs employ a special capability to consume us, claim Soniak as well as Potential columnist Goldman, and also to show you this particular the number is made up of selections in which add the clinically significant, to the quirky and also to your unexpected. Right here, you could find out there about a tool-making cockatoo, your perils of soaring beach ranges, gorillas in which outsmart human beings along with the loss of life of Lonesome George.

Features of the year
Editors | Mother nature
It’s a selection of his or her flows, although it’s a selection of some of the best research producing since picked out through some of the best publishers all around. Seeing that you’d picture your number protects all of the range of research: through brave methods in order to your libido of an three-footed Sumatran rhino, to some scientist creating instruments that could guide date functions around the Celestial body overhead as well as Mars.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Cucumber Salmonella Episode Sickens 73 Individuals Within eighteen Claims.

Watch out, cucumber supporters: your chosen fresh vegetable continues to be to an episode regarding salmonella.

Marler Blog noted about Thurs night which 73 individuals within 18 expresses include contracted salmonellosis after consuming cucumbers imported by Mexico within the last few almost a year. Twenty-eight involving a poor decreased sick have a home in Florida. Practically still another are already hospitalized. Not one include died.

The particular FDA inserted the "Import Alert" about cucumbers by Daniel Cardenas Izabal and Wonder Techniques, two suppliers within Culiacan, the biggest town from the Sinaloa express involving Mexico, about Thurs night. The particular cucumbers were distributed by Arizona-based organization Tricar Gross sales and were "purchased as well as eaten at numerous places as well as dining places. " The particular CDC affirms "there isn't any research which infected cucumbers supplied by are still available. "

Nevertheless salmonella is actually the majority of carefully connected with rooster, ova and ground various meats, generate has been stuck just using numerous breakouts in the ailment within the last few several years. Fruits and veggies that are usually swallowed natural -- like cucumbers -- pose a particularly high risk, since salmonella microorganisms tend to be mortally wounded by means of high temperature. Certainly, cucumbers were stuck just using one more herpes outbreak involving salmonellosis simply 2 yrs previously.

Human BeInGs

Genotype-environment conversation and also link within the investigation involving human conduct.


Two issues that mess with attitudinal ancestral looks at are classified as the discussion in addition to relationship in between ancestral in addition to the environmental has impact on. In today's survey, the end results involving genotype-environment discussion in addition to relationship with attitudinal ancestral research (twin in addition to ownership studies) are usually reviewed. The actual examination shows that genotype-environment discussion might error double research estimates involving ancestral in addition to the environmental have an effect on however need not influence ownership research. However, genotype-environment relationship might influence both double in addition to ownership research estimates involving ancestral in addition to the environmental have an effect on, the particular course on the influence according to the sign on the relationship. Fresh testing involving genotype-environment discussion in addition to relationship, applying ownership facts, are usually proposed. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Data source Document (c) 2012 APA, many privileges reserved).

Sports Arena

Followers Would be the Principal Motivation Regarding Novak Djokovic.

About the event of the ATP competition Dubai Duty Free of charge champion, planet number 1 tennis games gamer Novak Djokovic happened a video conference with his followers. Your conference had been prepared by Emirates Flight companies.

Regardless of the high attractiveness, Serbian tennis games gamer is always very prepared to take the followers around the world. Adequate to convey which the official web pages in social networks Facebook as well as Facebook are generally modernizing every time with refreshing announcement, photos as well as video tutorials. The same is usually stated with regards to Novak’s official internet site.

A unique simple fact: this specific video conference happened in Google Additionally social network using a Hangout engineering, allowing you people for you to video chat face-to-face, hook up through any kind of device as well as spend time right with your Google mail.

Golf planet number 1 is incredibly considering modern day improvements as well as makes an attempt make use of those to be connected with his followers.

Throughout a video hangout Djokovic solved for you to concerns with regards to the pastime throughout very last weeks, informed about the most joyful storage as well as presented a few valuable strategies for you to mothers and fathers regarding long term tennis games celebrities.

Upon very last weeks’ pastime:

“Even We failed to have official complements since Davis Cup’s weekend after Aussie Open, I have been attempting to go back for you to Serbia as well as put in 7-8 days to weeks there with my loved ones as well as doing different kinds of pastime. There was clearly plenty of charity pastime. I’m in addition attempting to support the groundwork approximately I will.
From the different palm I have been to determine ALTERNATING CURRENT Milan, the best (soccer) team, participating in against Barcelona 7 days ago in Champions Category. We proceeded to go to numerous areas. ”

About the most joyful storage regarding tennis games competitive events thus far:

“Oh... You'll find lots of to select... Yet if I've got to speak about your Expedition as well as tournaments in which I have been participating in, i then will be undoubtedly opt for the earn upon Wimbledon in 2011 as well as get together which implemented the time following your Wimbledon Ultimate, especially in Belgrade, Serbia. I believe 100 forty five thousands of individuals went out on the streets. About the phase (during celebration) ended up just about all the best artists. We all celebrated for hours. It had been an amazing knowledge.